What Does Price Include?
The price of your puppy includes, your puppy, age-appropriate shots, deworming, puppy well check from our vet with full report, all health records, bag of food, and scented blanket. And a lifetime of advice and support for you and your puppy.
We also have started your puppy on early potty training and have begun critical socialization and desensitization. We also utilize the Puppy Culture techniques and training programs.
Our goal is for your puppy to transition into your family as smoothly as possible, and to give you a head-start on training and socialization, to set you and your puppy up for success.
Can I Come Visit My Puppy?
Yes after your initial visit to pick your puppy and the puppy is at least 4 weeks old you may come and visit your puppy we encourage you to come and begin to bond with your pup before you bring them home. Must contact us prior to schedule mutually suitable time to see the puppies.
Do You Deliver?
Your puppy’s safety and health is our first priority, every step of the way, until they are home in your arms.
We do not ship our puppies, but we do hand deliver.
Cost to Deliver by Car:
80 cents per mile round trip +
$30 an hour travel fee
Must be within 4 hours of Olympia or less
$150 lodging fee if travel exceeds 8 hours.
Do you fly puppies?
We do not ship puppies or fly puppies currently, but if you are flying in from out of state we will happily meet you at SeaTac airport and hand deliver the puppy for you to take home.
What If My Preferred Breed, Gender, Coat, or Coloring Is Not Available?
We will inform you of what our predicted litters of your desired breed so you can plan accordingly. For your specific breed while we can do our best to ensure we will have the coat color you would like when we receive your deposit it is really up to nature. We encourage you not to settle on one coat color type and connect with your puppy and make temperament the priority.
If you are not satisfied with what this litter has to offer your deposit is transferable up to one litter before you forfeit your deposit. You may also transfer deposit to a different Breed.
When Should I Take My Puppy To The Vet?
Before you bring your puppy home do you research and have a Veterinarian picked out and schedule an appointment soon as you put a deposit down. Once puppy is chosen, make an appointment to see the vet and become an established patient within 3 days of brining puppy home.
Most vets will not see animals that are not established patients and if you have a medical emergency, you will be left with using an emergency pet hospital whose prices are often much higher.
What is Your Health Guarantee?
Our health guarantee is for two years after you bring home your puppy. It covers anything having to do with being raised on our farm including genetic defects. If it is a vet verified genetic defect due to our breeding practices our an issue directly related to our farm. We do not guarantee anything allergy related as we are not your doctor and can not know your specific health needs.
If a genetic defect is found or an issue directly related to the puppies care on our farm we will either.
-Pay for treatment up to price of puppy.
-Take the puppy back and re-home it with full disclosure to an appropriate family. Then we will give you pick of the litter for a new puppy free of charge or refund total price of puppy.
If your puppy gets sick or injured and it is unrelated to the genetics or how it was raised in the first 8 weeks it is not our responsibility. This is all part of pet ownership.
Current and
Upcoming Litters
Big, Sweet, Fluffy, Goofy, Affectionate Teddy Bears. The Ultimate Fluffy Companion.
Smart, Athletic, Caring, Sweet, Fun Family Dogs. With the Most Unique Markings and Flufly Coats.
Classic, Fun Loving, Soft Curly Hair, Smart, Excellent Companion and Family Dog.